LIKE TELLING WOMEN As everybody knows,
pastors are people under special missions which are
heavenly assigned. And this is a calling which comes in
three different ways. There are some who are
handpicked by God himself to his vineyard so as to
oversee the affairs of its sheep. There are other pastors
who are made to be pastors or church elders. The third
happens to be those ones who willingly made themselves
pastors over one reason or the other. No one out of these
three groups is underrated by God provided the mission
at hand is wisely followed up has being stipulated by
God through his words.
Right from ages, pastors are being seen as the
intermediary between God and Man. And through the
offices they occupy in the house of God. Many of them
have been witnessed to be mightily used by God as they
performed body-shivering miracles through the power of
anointing. Many of them have given prophecies and
revelations that have come to pass and these made them
more respectable to their followers.
People give respect to pastors and that is very normal.
But when one think about the way some women give
their own respect to pastors these days one would see
vividly that its more abusing than being normal. Some
women have even gone far by given pastors the kind of
attention, time and respect which they could not give half
of it to their husbands.
Recently, we heard it from a reliable source how a
pastor from one of the African countries forbade every
woman in his church from wearing pants while coming to
church. He claimed it was through their private parts he
would cast all demons and the funniest part of the story
was that these women obliged. We even saw the clear
picture of the pastor as he was matching on a lady
private part while the lady lied on the floor.
A lot of homes have crumbled through the activities of
many pastors. We have seen where a pastor would
pollute the heart of a woman against her husband just
because he’s having salacious interest in her. Some
pastors would even call women into their private offices
for what they call counseling or deliverance and at the
end they would end up having sex with them.
Many a time one wonders how some women follow or
have dealings with pastors. It is unwise for you as a
woman to answer a call of any pastor whether fake or
genuine, who ask you into a private place without any
third person. One major secret you women don’t know
about pastors is that they too are human beings. They
are flesh and not spirits or angels whose bodies cannot be
moved or whose manhood cannot get erected when they
see the faces of beautiful women or their private parts.
Imagine how possible it’s that a mortal body, a mere
flesh, would inside a solitary conferment, See an unveil
chest of a woman with a firm breast, glorified with a
nice pointed nipples and his manhood would not start
rising for work. It take grace for this not to occur.
In a not shell, pastors are also human beings. They also
feel the way ordinary men would feel, but the difference
is that they take the act of hiding feelings as one of their
ways of working. Thus women have to be very careful.
There is no any reason why a pastor would ask you into
a solitary place and you just agree as simple as that.
Whether counseling or deliverance or prayer could be
equally done in any place where there is a third person.
Pastors are one of those people who know how to hide
feeling but they would never reveal this secret to you
quickly until their actions are well plan. But mind you
some still maintain their standards comes rain comes sun.
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